15th August 1944

70 years later by anelephantcant

70 years later by anelephantcant

15th August 1944

The little town is empty, not a soul to be seen.
Le Maquis, the French Resistance movement, pass the word to the villagers and the remaining families withdraw into the foothills of the Maures.
In the morning the children awaken to the sound of bombs.
1,300 Allied bombers rain destruction for one and a half hours.
Then the shellfire begins.
From the heights they see great grey ships spit fire and steel.
They see the shoreline explode.
Then men drop from the sky like confetti at a wedding, in uncountable numbers.
From almost 500 ships the men pour onto the beaches.
94,000 of them.
Think about that number.
Ninety four thousand men.
Many of these, mainly from the 3rd Infantry Division of the US Seventh Army, land on the beach at Cavalaire sur Mer.
French commandos and the Maquis play a critical support role all along the coast.
Operation Dragoon is a resounding success.
The liberation of southern France is underway.
Allied casualties are 357 wounded and 200 dead.
200 mothers have lost their sons.
This is the price of victory.

a soldier triumphant
a land liberated
a mother inconsolable

This piece is inspired by and based on the work of my friend Emmy L Gant.

70 years later by anelephantcant

70 years later by anelephantcant

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5 Responses to 15th August 1944

  1. Gyslaine L. says:

    Pour cette opération Anvil-Dragoon, en plus de l’aide des Etats Unis, je pense qu’il serait bien aussi de nommer “La 1ère DMI (Division de Marche d’Infanterie)” – “La 3ème DIA (Division d’Infanterie Algérienne)” – “Tirailleurs Sénégalais du 8ème RTS” – “La 2ème DMI (Division d’Infanterie Marocaine)” – “7ème RCA (Régiment de Chasseurs d’Afrique). J’espère n’avoir oublié personne. Sans l’aide de tous ces pays, rien n’aurait pu être possible. 🙂

    For this operation Anvil-Dragoon, in addition to using the United States, I think it would also be nice to call “The first (DMI Division Infantry On)” – “The DIA 3rd (Infantry Division Algerian) “-” Senegalese Riflemen 8th RTS “-” the second DMI (Moroccan Infantry Division) “-“. 7th RCA (Régiment de Chasseurs d’Afrique) I hope I have not forgotten anyone without help. all these countries, nothing would have been possible 🙂

    Bien amicalement Brian 😉


  2. Al says:

    For some reason it didn’t come up with your twitter account name, it came up with @wordpressdotcom :

    15th August 1944 http://wp.me/p1ifZt-1iw via @wordpressdotcom


    • Yeah, what a surprise, Al.
      This latest ‘upgrade’ or ‘enhancement’ to WP has me at least in all sorts of trouble.
      I find it hard to actually publish, which I would think is kinda the point of a blog!


      • Al says:

        If you hover over your blog name on the top left, and go down and click “New” it will bring up the proper way of posting, not this new tosh they are rolling out.


  3. Al says:

    A very sad piece of history as is all war. Well told


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