Award in your shell-like

AnElephantCant refuse anything from the very wonderful Christina at 

She has kindly nominated  him for this award which he accepts with as much grace as he can muster. To be frank, AnElephantCant muster much. It’s the ears, you see, and the feet. Not to mention …….

Now for the RULES to follow when nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award:
1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

So, 7 hopefully not too dull facts:
Went to Turin, Italy to buy a briefcase
Rode on a tandem through a forest in Frankfurt
Went to school in foreign language (Afrikaans)
Saw Leonard Cohen live at Edinburgh Castle
Travelled on airboat through the Everglades
Sailed into Sydney Harbour
Had a pet chameleon

AnElephantCant possibly nominate 15 blogs, but suggests you might like to:
visit the delightfully deranged and magically musical:
get your teeth into the dastardly dentist:
be enchanted by Francina:
be astonished by the courage of Pennycoho:
be mesmerised by the magic of Lady Day at

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6 Responses to Award in your shell-like

  1. Congratulations on your award and for the introduction to some entertaining blogs 🙂


  2. lolabees says:

    Woohoo! Thanks a bunch!


  3. Francina says:

    Congratulations with your award. It’s one well deserved.

    and thank you for finding my blog worthy for this award as well!

    Ciao, Francina


  4. Christina ~ says:

    I’m so very glad AnElephant likes the award…and for his sweet nature (though I noticed he does tend to hide that part of himself a LOT 😉 ) I’m very very happy he didn’t refuse! 🙂

    I love reading the 7 things…always so very very intriguing 🙂 Congratulations and Thank you for your sweet introduction…now I’m just a smiling peanut 😀


  5. ~Lady Day says:

    Congrats! And much thanks.


  6. mixedupmeme says:

    Well! Thanks a lot for the award. I had plans for today and it didn’t include spending hours on my acceptance speech!!

    Make sure that you don’t do it……..but once a week.

    Loved it. 🙂


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