Pancakes on the Roof

Roses are Red
Violets are Refrigeration
Aliens don’t wear hats!

AnElephantCant tell you how lucky he is
With the more talented much fairer sex
He isn’t good looking
He is hopeless at cooking
And he is clueless at reading sub-text

He was born back in the Dark Ages
When watches and clocks all had hands
Don’t even ask him
About multi-tasking
He is a pachyderm but still a mere man

But a young lady will always befriend him
Like they do with cute little stray mutts
Though he does sometimes smell
They treat him so well
Give him tea and a plate of peanuts

The sweetheart who sent him this drawing
Is truly a joy to behold
She has talent and brains
She sure entertains
And she is still only just 10 years old

AnElephant really appreciates
The portrait you see up above
He uses this rhyme to send
To his delightful new friend
A big thank you a hug and his love

If I have 7 pencils
And you have 4 apples
Why are there pancakes on the roof?

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10 Responses to Pancakes on the Roof

  1. nightlake says:

    a very cute potrait by your friend..and a loving tribute..


  2. Clanmother says:

    Just wondering – have you put any of your poetry into song? Just a thought….


  3. mixedupmeme says:

    anelephantcant should not be too trusting of lovely young ladies of any age. Beware! She is definitely competition and has far superior artistic skills. And she will probably make more peanuts than you ever will with her talent.


  4. pennycoho says:

    This is wonderful and LuAnn is correct. Definitely you have a most special way with children. re: your poetry, and most especially your attitude on life! 🙂


  5. LuAnn says:

    Love it but can’t begin to answer the question of why there are pancakes on the roof! 🙂


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